Night of the Pencils (film)

Night of the Pencils Spanish La noche de los lpices is a 1986 Argentine historical drama film directed by Hctor Olivera and written by Olivera and Daniel Kon. It is based on the nonfiction book by Mara Seoane and Hctor Ruiz Nez. It stars Alejo Garca Pintos, Vita Escard, Leonardo Sbaraglia, Jos Mara Monje, Pablo Machado, Adriana Salonia and Hctor Bidonde.

During a time of economic and political unrest and Statesponsored terrorism in Argentina in the mid1970s, the students want reduced bus fares, so they take to the streets and protest in support of the boleto estudiantil the students ticket. At first, under Isabel Martnez de Perns government they succeed, but their protests draw hostile attention from the ensuing military regime led by Jorge Rafael Videla, which overthrows Pern on March 24, 1976.The dictatorship announces that the leftist agitators will not be tolerated by the new government. The increasing violent crackdown on student gatherings is demonstrated when the police break up a school dance brandishing guns. On September 16, six students of the city of La Plata are kidnapped in the middle of the night, and the police claims ignorance about their whereabouts. This is the actual event that will later be called Night of the Pencils. ........

Source: Wikipedia